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Tools for Empowerment (TFE)
To-Go Tool Box Program

Volunteer to Refurbish Used Tools on
YOUR Schedule, at YOUR Home!

Please help the Tools for Empowerment Program
prepare much needed tools for third-world countries

You are qualified if you can answer 'yes' to any of the following questions:
- Are you confident in correctly disassembling and diagnosing power tools?
- Can you adjust belts, replace saw blades, and clean and repair power cords?
- Can you clean and adjust hand tools?

Your skills are urgently needed to help ASAP refurbish used tools and prepare tool kits for trade school graduates. By doing so, you provide youth in impoverished countries with the opportunity to lead productive and self-reliant lives. This initiative helps them break the cycle of poverty, earn a decent living, support their families, and improve their communities.


If interested, please Contact TFE for more information at 

email: ( or phone: (770) 632-7451

Changing lives one tool at a time

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